When I am working on a project, I like to categorise my sketches into three categories: Conceptual, Technical and Illustrative. This helps me to focus on exactly what I need the sketch to show and its function in my working progress.
Conceptual sketching is at the start of a project, where the drawings don't need to be perfect. These drawings are a quick, loose way of getting ideas from my head onto the page.
Technical sketches come after this, when I am narrowing down on a few ideas and I want to work out the measurements and dimensions for the product. I do these drawings more carefully, in ratio to the exact size of the product. This helps me to visualise the proportions.
Illustrative sketches aren't always necessary in my experience, but I like to include a few of them in pitches and presentations if I can. This sketching shows the object in context. For example, a water bottle being held in-hand, or a seating bench with bags and shoes around it. This also helps with visualising the product's proportions.
Conceptual sketching is at the start of a project, where the drawings don't need to be perfect. These drawings are a quick, loose way of getting ideas from my head onto the page.
Technical sketches come after this, when I am narrowing down on a few ideas and I want to work out the measurements and dimensions for the product. I do these drawings more carefully, in ratio to the exact size of the product. This helps me to visualise the proportions.
Illustrative sketches aren't always necessary in my experience, but I like to include a few of them in pitches and presentations if I can. This sketching shows the object in context. For example, a water bottle being held in-hand, or a seating bench with bags and shoes around it. This also helps with visualising the product's proportions.